Fairfield County Hotspot
Goal: Reduce terrapin road mortality at a hotspot in Fairfield County, Connecticut

Preliminary surveys for road-killed terrapins occurred in Fairfield County in 2019
These were part of ​a developing citizen science project by Maritime Aquarium, Western Connecticut State University, and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
These surveys identified one road mortality hotspot
Over 10 road-killed terrapins were documented here between July and September 2019
These included adult, juvenile, and hatchling turtles
This location is being referred to as the "Fairfield County Hotspot" (the exact location is kept private to protect terrapins from illegal collection)
State and federal officials have expressed interest in mitigating terrapin road mortality here
Tyler Mahard began conducting weekly surveys at this location in May 2020
These data will help determine the effectiveness of any mitigation action that may be implemented​
Mitigation action for turtle road mortality typically includes turtle crossing signs, specialized barriers to keep turtles out of roadways, or specialized underpasses
Continue weekly surveys for terrapin activity and road-killed wildlife at the Fairfield County Hotspot
Continue to document all observations of terrapin activity and road-killed wildlife through October 2020
Share data weekly with Western Connecticut State University, CT DEEP Wildlife Division, the Maritime Aquarium, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service
Use data to create a report that details where, when, and how terrapin activity occurs at this location
The report will include maps and information on road mortality of other wildlife in addition to terrapins
The report will be shared with organizations listed above
A summarized version of the report will be made publicly available on this website, with sensitive location information removed
Funds raised through the 2020 GoFundMe campaign covered weekly road mortality surveys for the entire 2020 season, and part of the field 2021 season
These data have been shared with institutions listed above​
The remainder of surveys during 2021 were covered by CT DEEP
Due to limited funding and time, a report has yet to be completed, but this may occur sometime in late 2022​​ or early 2023